- Pros and Cons of Open Fund? 开放式基金利弊何在?
- The pros and cons of strike action were discussed. 人们商讨了支持和反对罢工活动的论点。
- He balanced the pros and cons of the situation. 他权衡考虑了一下此种情形的利弊。
- He balanced the pros and cons of the situation . 他权衡形势的有利和不利方面。
- What are the pros and cons of buying a van? 买一辆小型货车的利弊是什么?
- They canvassed the pros and cons of euthanasia. 他们彻底讨论有关安乐死的正反两方面的意见。
- They canvass, canvased the pros and cons of euthanasia. 他们彻底讨论有关安乐死的正反两方面的意见。
- They canvass,canvased the pros and cons of euthanasia. 他们彻底讨论有关安乐死的正反两方面的意见。
- The pros and cons of mixed schooling are now under discussion. 男女同校的利弊问题正在讨论之中。
- We need to discuss the pros and cons of this method. 我们必须讨论此方法的正反两面。
- Much has been written on the pros and cons of mixed schooling. 赞成和反对的论据。
- We also highlight the pros and cons of these four options. 我们也强调这四个选项的利弊。
- Second, the analysis of the pros and cons of estoppel. 从原被人领导的税务员成了领导人家的税务局局长。
- But what are the pros and cons of running a photography business? 但是经营摄影事业有什么好处和坏处呢?
- Consider the pros and cons of any relationship that entices you. 多想想引诱你的利弊关系。
- But what are the pros and cons of management, and is it right for you? 但什么是管理的利弊,以及是否适合你?
- To consider all the pros and cons of a matter before reaching a decision. 作出决定前先好好考虑所有赞成和反对的理由。
- We discussed the pros and cons of changing the company's operating system. 我们讨论更换公司操作系统的利弊得失。
- I have heard the pros and cons of capital punishment expressed with vigor. 我听到过那些赞成或反对死刑的种种有力论述。
- Explain the pros and cons of communicating with databases natively versus ODBC. 简述直接连接数据库和使用ODBC连接数据库进行通讯的优缺点。